G.A.T. Engine general discussion
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Post by OZDOLM » Fri May 26, 2017 6:55 pm

I am new in using the program. Sorry but I must confess that I can't use it efficiently though I read the explanations many times. I think that the program is not user friendly though you claim the opposite. Either people who bought this program must be dealing with softwares every day or my english is not enough. So I will appreciate your answers very much at my beginning phase of my practice.

1) What is the the most favorite GAT search? 1 to 6 columns all or 2 to 5 columns are enough, for example?
2) What is the method of stop, save and then restart the analysis? Item by item
3) Does a specific GAT ID have the same predictions in ever draw? If yes, okay; but if no, how can I reach the predictions of that specific GAT ID which I selected before, for the next draw if it does not appear in the panorama?

Many other confusing words and explanations in the program, but this much is enough now.

Thanks in advance.

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Post by lottoarchitect » Mon May 29, 2017 10:35 am

Hi Ozdolm,
1) What is the the most favorite GAT search? 1 to 6 columns all or 2 to 5 columns are enough, for example?
take a "distance" from everything program related and try to think of the overall picture. GAT proposes in the panorama the more favorable predictions it can come up with. It would be ideal if we could simply propose a single set of numbers, however the "solution" to the prediction is not unique which means there will be several different sets of numbers that are equally suited as the next outcome of the draw based on the detected dynamics and the inherent randomness of the lottery draw system. All this is expressed in GAT with the various GAT tables shown at the panorama; each GAT table is indeed a competitive GAT to pick and use for the next draw. However, if one GAT is the most successful among those, most of the others will not be. There is nothing wrong here, a GAT table is judged over a few future draws for its effectiveness, so you indeed have to keep using this GAT ID table and the prediction it caries for each of the future draws (it will be different) till it delivers what it promises based on its hit ratio (the 100/X rule). This is the primary and original way to use GAT, pick a GAT from the panorama and keep using it at the future draws too till it delivers. To do so, you also need to utilize Run Factor. So, your question 1 doesn't have a straight answer, what is important is to pick a GAT that looks nice to your eyes, it produces the desired hit all over its tested range (the regularity of hits as we call this) and keep using it in the future draws too (the new prediction it proposes for each of those future draws) using the Run Factor. We say typically the best suited GATs to pick are at the middle columns because these demonstrate the regularity more clearly and also represent a meaningful good win division to begin with i.e. targeting 3+ hits where they excel at compared to all the other GATs.

Usage details on all the above (including Run Factor utilization and 100/X rule) are here
2) What is the method of stop, save and then restart the analysis? Item by item
Not sure I understand this question. As the scan progresses, you are free to inspect the GATs shown. If at any point you see satisfactory results in terms of hits production, pause the engine and pick a GAT ID to use. The only thing you have to remember here is, when you utilize Run Factor to get the prediction of that GAT ID table at the future draws too, you have to wait for the scan to reach that ID, so it will take that amount of time.
3) Does a specific GAT ID have the same predictions in ever draw? If yes, okay; but if no, how can I reach the predictions of that specific GAT ID which I selected before, for the next draw if it does not appear in the panorama?
From all the above it is clear a GAT ID changes its prediction from draw to draw. How to properly do the scan for future draws is at the link above.

Getting used to it
Getting used to it
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:22 am


Post by OZDOLM » Mon May 29, 2017 4:44 pm

Thanks a lot. Very satisfactory explanations. I will try.

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