A Question about Hits Delay

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A Question about Hits Delay

Post by lottoburg » Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:35 am

Hi, AT:

I'm sorry to bother you again. I have a question about Hits Delay.

The below pictures are the Hits and its Hits Delay (Actual) for GAT=76563.




I'm not sure how can I read the Hits Delay-Actual correctly since I can not find any idea in your Help.

Could you give me the formula about the generation of Actual Delay matching the Hits?

or Please give me a link of relative posts before about the answer if you're busy now. Thanks.

Best regards,

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Re: A Question about Hits Delay

Post by lottoarchitect » Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:52 pm

These posts discuss among other things the overall delay chart - the summary as we state this.

Summary means, how many times we had a specific delay occur. This type of delay is more important to judge how the GAT behaves over time. The other mode, the one shown in your pics is the "actual delay".
In acual delay, you just observe how many draws have passed between occurences of the same "at least x hit" production. The draws passed are indicated at the vertical axis, the horizontal axis is the enumeration of the event. So, in your pic, you see 32 occurences of the event "at least 2+ hits", the latest occurence is the position #32. The "current delay 3" indicated means this event of "at least 2+ hits" occurred 3 draws ago. Indeed if you inspect the hits red graph, you'll see the last 2 dots at tested draw #50 & #49 produce only 1 hit (thus less than "at least 2+ hits") and the tested draw #48 (which is 3 draws ago) did produce the "at least 2+ hits", exactly 2 hits in this case. This is what the current delay x indicates, how many draws ago we had that event indicated. The minimum current delay is 1, which means the event occurred at the last draw.
So, in more detail on this actual delay graph, current delay =3 thus the latest occurence of event "at least 2+ hits" occured 3 draws ago thus this refers to tested draw #48 as explained above.
At position #32 of the actual delay graph we have the value of 1 (vertical axis) which means 1 draw passed between two occurences of the event ""at least 2+ hits"; we are currently at tested draw #48 (due to current delay 3), thus only one draw passed for that event of "at least 2+ hits", which means tested draw #47 & #48.
At position #31 of the actual delay graph we have the value of 1 (vertical axis) which means 1 draw passed between two occurences of the event ""at least 2+ hits"; we are currently at tested draw #47 (due to position #32 before), thus only one draw passed for that event of "at least 2+ hits", which means tested draw #46 & #47.
And so on. If you inspect the actual delay chart at position #24, it indicates a delay of 5 (vertical axis). This means the event "at least 2+ hits" had a span of 5 tested draws to occur again. In you check the hits red graph, this position refers to the tested draws #39-#34 (=5 the delay indicated). Indeed, the in-between tested draws produced fewer than 2+ hits.

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Re: A Question about Hits Delay

Post by lottoburg » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:34 am

Hi, AT:

I got it! In fact, the value “1.0” at the vertical Y-axis means the Hit Points (at least x hits) which occurred at the last draw and no delay really; the value “2.0” at the Y-axis means the Hit Points (at least x hits) which have delayed 1 time really; … the value “5.0” means the Hit Points (at least x hit) which have delayed 4 times really….

Also, the “current delay N” just is an uncertain value in fact since we’re still not sure the next draw. For example in my picture, the “current delay 3” just delayed 2 times (at least 2 hits) at the tested draw #49 & #50 when we don’t care the next draw. If the next draw (#51) is a Hit Point (at least 2 hits), the “current delay 3” will generate a real value “3.0” at the Y-axis. Otherwise, the “current delay 3” will be changed to “current delay 4” or “current delay 5” ……etc at the next pictures of Actual Delay.

Thanks for your patient and detail explanations!!!

Best regards,

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