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copy question

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 5:50 am
by felix_alon
Can I ask you a question?
Q: copy in original order ?
Copy to Clipboard – Panorama
Highlight multiple cells within Panorama and right click to get a sub menu. Select ‘Export Predictions to Clipboard’ function
How should I operate?
multiple cells within Panorama Predicted numbers are stored to the clip board in original order.

best regards!
many thanks

Re: copy question

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:27 am
by lottoarchitect
Hi felix, I am not sure I understand what is the question. The actions are self-explanatory. All those copy instructions refer to the predicted numbers carried by each GAT table. You get the option to copy those numbers in predicted order or sorted order (low to high) if you are not interested in the order GAT believes these will come out. From the panorama you get the option to extract in one action the predicted numbers of multiple GAT tables. Just select with the mouse the box which defines which GATs will be used.
So what is the question, the difference between ordered or original order? Or how to select multiple GATs in the panorama? Individual GAT selection (not in a box format) is not supported if this is what you are after; only boxed selection is applicable.