General Approach

Discussion on strategies that can be developed within Lotto Architect
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General Approach

Post by draughtsman » Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:37 am


Strategy I have used in respect of a number to avoid is that any number that has appeared three times in the past 5 draws that it be rejected or not included in your number set. (This is for a 6from45 and similar type lottery.) How to find which numbers have such a draw history? Use number statistics and apply a Draw filter of last 5 draws and the display table will throw up the history of all numbers in these last 5 draws.

How to remove such numbers from your wheeled number set? First use the Global Number Filter to set up the number to reject and save it. Then at Stage 1 calculations tick the Global Numbers Filter box, and then run the calculation. very simple. What I have been doing if I have found such a number in my large wheel say an N=28 wheel I then expand the wheel to an N=29 wheel, include the global number filter at calculation stage 1, and I am back to my equivalent N=28 wheel and have kept out a number which I believe to be undesirable from the group.

And incidentally I have found with the Global filter that for it to reject a number it obviously has to be in your N group and for it to force the situation where every ticket has a 'must have' number this also needs to be within your N group. It can't just insert another number into your N group.

Cheers - and anybody who has found any other logical, proven or historically valid reason for either including a number or rejecting a number I would appreciate hearing about it, because this tool Lotto Architect seems to have the capability to put all sorts of theories and approaches into practice


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